The mysterious sea bream
English version
スピリチュアルクルーズWhen the mystical sea breamappears,Fortune arrives. “Spiritual Cruise”
English version

English version
弁財天様とは七福神の中で唯一の女神で、琵琶を弾く姿が特徴です。 音楽・芸能・学問成就・財運・美人祈願などのご利益があるとされています。弁財天様の名前に「財」という漢字が使われていることもあり、一般的に知られているのが金運アップや商売繁盛です。 それ以外にも交通安全や恋愛成就、子孫繁栄や技芸上達、長寿といったご利益があるといわれています。 弁財天様は現世において幅広いご利益を授かれる、万能な神様なのです。
English version
English version
昭和四十二年十二月二十七日昇格 内浦湾内、誕生寺前の渡船場から東南方へ船で五分ぐらいの海域で、伊貝島 弁天島などの近辺に多数のタイが群生するので、このあたりを「妙の浦」と呼んでいる。
文 化 庁
English version

The typical habitat for sea breams is the seabed, ranging from
about 30 meters to 150 meters deep, consisting of rocks and gravel.
Why Tainoura’s sea bream is so mysterious
English version

English version
「日蓮聖人誕生の際の不思議な出来事」 その時、庭先から泉が湧き出し産湯に使った「誕生水」、 時ならぬ時に浜辺に青蓮華が咲いた「蓮華ケ渕」、 海面に大小の鯛の群れが集まった「妙の浦」という不思議な「三奇端」が伝えられています。まさしくこの時の鯛の群れが「神秘の鯛」 の初まりだったのです。
English version
English version
English version 
房総名物 角熊の鯛せんべい(大)

房総名物 角熊の鯛せんべい(中)

房総名物 角熊の鯛せんべい(中・2袋セット)
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット 黒色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping03.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット 黒色
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット 茶色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping04.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット 茶色
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット ピンク色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping05.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット ピンク色
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット 黄色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping07.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット 黄色

鯛の浦オリジナル 毎日が鯛安吉日Tシャツ 紺色
S・M・L・LL(男女兼用) 3,300円(税込)
MORE The "Tai of Tainoura," believed to bring good luck, is a symbol of great fortune. In addition to the famous Tainoura specialty, "Tai Senbei" (fish-shaped crackers), there are many other recommended products proudly offered by Tainoura, including the "Tainoura Original T-shirt" worn by the captains and staff, as well as the "Genuine Leather W
× - Symbolizes inner peace and abundance
- Positive energy will come into your life
- Symbol of wealth, prosperity, and luck
- New success and happiness will come to you
× inshu-kominato is the birthplace of the Saint Nichiren. The "Tai of Tai-no-ura" is one of the miraculous events that occurred when Saint Nichiren was born. Since the Kamakura period, villagers have revered and protected Tai as the "incarnation of Saint Nichiren". Despite the numerous difficulties, the "mysterious Tai" continues to inhabit Tai-no-ura, even though it is a species that only resides in the deep sea. Tai is seen only in Tai-no-ura, making it the only place in the world where you can see Tai in the open ocean. You may be surprised and moved by this mysterious experience, and perhaps luck will come your way.
× The mysterious sea bream is so named due to various inexplicable events dating back to the Kamakura period when Nichiren Shonin was born. Despite being deep-sea fish, why do they inhabit shallow waters? It's a mystery that remains scientifically unexplained! Witnessing the special natural monument, the "Mysterious Sea Bream," is an experience exclusive to this location in the world.In addition to encountering the mysterious sea bream, visiting both the Daibenten and Kobenten shrines promises even greater fortune.
× During the Kamakura period, from the birth of Nichiren Shonin to the designation of the mystical sea bream as a special monument, please see how fishermen have believed in and protected the sea bream as the incarnation of Nichiren Shonin while looking at the pictures. You can observe the deep connection between the mystical sea bream and the fishermen. By looking at photos of models of ships from the past to the present, you can understand the history of Ta-no-Ura.
× The "Tai-no-Ura Sightseeing Boat" is an "irregular sightseeing boat" that you can board without reservations, starting from one person. Our association's sightseeing boats are fully equipped with life jackets and have insurance coverage, so you can board with peace of mind. You can check the route map to see where the sea bream appear. Also, enjoy the magnificent views of the national park's vast ocean.
× The sea bream of Ta no Ura is one of the mysterious events that occurred during the birth of Nichiren, a Buddhist saint. Please watch the animation to see how it all began.4
×- Symbolizes inner peace and abundance
- Positive energy will come into your life
- Symbol of wealth, prosperity, and luck
- New success and happiness will come to you
Tinshu-kominato is the birthplace of the Saint Nichiren. The "Tai of Tai-no-ura" is one of the miraculous events that occurred when Saint Nichiren was born. Since the Kamakura period, villagers have revered and protected Tai as the "incarnation of Saint Nichiren". Despite the numerous difficulties, the "mysterious Tai" continues to inhabit Tai-no-ura, even though it is a species that only resides in the deep sea. Tai is seen only in Tai-no-ura, making it the only place in the world where you can see Tai in the open ocean. You may be surprised and moved by this mysterious experience, and perhaps luck will come your way.
× From the Ta no Ura sightseeing boat, you can visit the Da Benten and Ko Benten, both designated as national parks. These shrines are dedicated to Benzaiten, the goddess of water. Ko Benten has a torii gate on the land side, while Da Benten has one on the sea side. You can visit Ko Benten by walking along the promenade from the land, while Da Benten can be accessed by taking the Ta no Ura sightseeing boat from the sea side. It is said that by visiting both shrines, you can receive various blessings. By taking the Ta no Ura sightseeing boat, paying respects to the deities, and catching a glimpse of the sea bream, you may experience wonderful fortune.
× Benzaiten is the only female deity among the Seven Lucky Gods, often depicted playing the biwa (a traditional Japanese lute). She is believed to bestow various blessings, including success in music, arts, academics, financial fortune, and beauty. The character "財" (zai) in her name suggests her association with wealth, leading to her popular association with improving financial luck and business prosperity. Additionally, she is believed to offer blessings related to traffic safety, romantic fulfillment, fertility, skill enhancement, and longevity. Benzaiten is considered a versatile deity, granting a wide range of benefits in this world.
× In Japan, the "Tai of Tairaura" is the only Special Natural Monument (Fish) and represents the highly valuable red seabream, scientifically known as Madai. Not only is it found in the nearby seas, but its behavior of appearing on the water surface when food is scattered is extremely rare worldwide, a behavior observed only in the red seabream of Tairaura. Additionally, depending on factors such as water temperature and wave conditions, there are times when the red seabream does not appear. This is because it resides in the open sea, connected to the vast ocean rather than being confined to a fish pen. Therefore, the sight of red seabream gathering as if in a fish pen simply by scattering food is a remarkable phenomenon that evokes a sense of wonder at the mysteries of nature. The fact that the red seabream cannot be seen at any time makes people even more impressed and moved by its presence.
×Special Natural Monument
Red Seabream Habitat of Tairaura
Designated on March 8th, 1922
Promoted on December 27th, 1967 In the area around the islands of Iwai and Benten, about a five-minute boat ride southeast from the ferry terminal in front of Tanjo-ji Temple in Uchura Bay, there is a concentration of tai (sea bream), earning this area the name "Myo no Ura." Most of the tai found here are red sea bream, with other species such as black sea bream, yellowback seabream, and Japanese horse mackerel also present. Red sea bream typically inhabit depths of 30 to 150 meters and are known as nearshore fish with some degree of habitat fidelity, often swimming in the midwater layer. However, in Tainoura, they inhabit shallow waters of 10 to 30 meters in a limited area. It is a unique phenomenon that they readily consume bait provided by humans, such as fish fillets. Legend has it that it is mysterious how they emerge from the seabed and compete for bait when tourist boats arrive, considering that this is a sacred site where the taking of life has been prohibited since ancient times, and it is believed to be the birthplace of Nichiren Shonin.
Agency for Cultural Affairs
Chiba Prefectural Board of Education
Kamogawa City Board of Education × The usual sea bream is a sedentary deep-sea fish. It lives in seabeds with a depth of about 30 meters to 150 meters, where there are rocks and gravel, and it does not inhabit seas with temperatures below 8 degrees Celsius. Also, sea breams are deep-sea fish with small migratory habits and are said not to form schools. Unlike ordinary sea breams, the sea breams in Tainoura live in groups in a certain area all year round.
It is very rare for sea breams in Tainoura to appear in groups near the surface of the water and eat the provided bait when you hear the sound of tapping on the stern throughout the year. The phenomenon of Tainoura is not fully understood scientifically. Because of its unusual behavior, it is designated and protected as the "Tainoura Sea Bream Habitat." Sea breams with such behavior live only in Tainoura in Japan due to the longstanding history of faith among the people living around Tainoura and their simple spirit of sea bream protection.
× To be designated as a Special Natural Monument: Under Article 109, Paragraph 2 of the Cultural Properties Protection Law, natural monuments of exceptional worldwide or national value are specially designated as Special Natural Monuments.
× Nichiren Saint was born on February 16th, 1222, in the area of Kotominaoshi in Kosode no Kuni.
"The Mysterious Events Surrounding the Birth of Nichiren Saint" At that time, a spring gushed from the garden, which was used for the baby's first bath as "Birth Water." In an untimely manner, blue lotus flowers bloomed on the beach, known as "Ren'ge no Fuchi," and a school of large and small sea bream gathered on the sea surface, known as "Myo no Ura," creating the mysterious "Three Wonders." It was indeed at this time that the school of sea bream marked the beginning of the "Mysterious Sea Bream."
The saint's childhood name was Zennichimaro, and at the age of 11, he climbed Mount Kiyosumi to study, beginning his missionary work to reveal the true meaning of Shakuson that he had realized. Subsequently, Nichiren Saint advocated the "Rissho Ankoku Ron" and, despite numerous adversities, spent his life spreading the teachings of the Lotus Sutra in various forms.
In the Kamakura period, Nichiren Saint was born, and it has been 800 years since then in the
× Birthplace Temple, Founder's Hall
World's largest Onigawara (demon roof tile), equivalent to 21 tatami mats, weighing about 2.8 tons
One of Japan's Top 100 Fragrant Landscapes
× Kiyosumi Temple
At the age of 12, Nichiren Shonin pursued his studies on this mountain and was ordained at the age of 16 in front of the Bodhisattva Kokuzo for training.
× The renowned landscape of this area, with its peculiar rocks, islands, and picturesque scenery, including the mysterious phenomenon of Tainoura, underwent significant changes due to the two major tsunamis during the Meio and Genroku eras. In response to this, a distinguished monk of the Nichiren sect adorned the area with the five characters from the Lotus Sutra, which was advocated by the saint: "妙" (myou) for "Myounoura," "法" (hou) for "Hounodai," "蓮華" (renge) for "Renkafuchi," and "経巻" (kyoukan) for "Kyokanbori." It is said that since "鯛" (tai), which means "sea bream," sounds similar to "妙" (myou), the area where sea bream appear was named "Tainoura." Although the residents have affectionately referred to the area as "Myounoura" since its naming, its tourist reputation is higher under the name "Tainoura," and even the official designation as a special natural monument by the Agency for Cultural Affairs is under the name "Tainoura." We hope this clarifies that while it is known as "Tainoura" for tourism, its local name remains "Myounoura."
× The "Tai of Tainoura," believed to bring good luck, is a symbol of great fortune. In addition to the famous Tainoura specialty, "Tai Senbei" (fish-shaped crackers), there are many other recommended products proudly offered by Tainoura, including the "Tainoura Original T-shirt" worn by the captains and staff, as well as the "Genuine Leather Wallet Bag."
× [Specialty of Boso: Kadokuma Tai Senbei] (Large)
36 pieces (2 pieces x 18 bags) for 1,080 yen (tax included) + 800 yen for shipping.
× [Boso Specialty: Kadokuma Tai Senbei]
(Small, Set of 2)12 pieces (2 pieces x 6 bags) x 2 sets
756 yen (tax included) + 500 yen for shipping
× [Genuine Leather Wallet Bag] Pochette - Black
30,000 yen (tax included) + shipping
× [Genuine Leather Wallet Bag] Pochette - Brown
30,000yen (tax included) + for shipping
× [Genuine Leather Wallet Bag] Pochette - Pink
30,000yen (tax included) + for shipping
× Tairaura Original "Every Day is a Lucky Day T-shirt"Only available in navy blue,
Sizes: S, M, L, LL (Unisex)
3,300yen (tax included) + Shipping: 500yen
× ×