鯛の浦遊覧船では、古くから海や鯛にまつわる神秘な行事があります。その中でも「鯛供養」は鯛の浦近海に生息している真鯛がエビ網漁などで取れた場合、その真鯛を「タイ塚」に埋葬し供養する行事です。また、毎年1月18日は弁天祭りとして大弁天様の前にて、漁船・遊覧船の海上安全、大漁祈願のお経を唱える「鯛供養弁天祭り」が執り行われます。全ては「鯛の浦の鯛」が神聖なものと考えられている証拠です。English version

Sunrise viewing from the boat
English version
The Taioffering Benten Festival
※妙蓮寺…… | 日蓮聖人の母君の妙蓮尊尼がご入寂の折、聖人は父君妙日尊儀の霊所に、母君の墓塔を建て、自ら両親の法号をとられ、妙日山妙蓮寺と命名しました。誕生寺三世日静上人がここに両親閣を建立されました。二十三夜堂内には海上安全の神様「得大勢二十三夜大月天王」と「妙之浦大弁財天」が祀られています。 English version |

English version
Lantern Floating (Umisegaki Kai)
English version
English version
2025年2月12日鯛の浦遊覧船と誕生寺さんとのコラボレーションの『御朱印』を始めました。 是非ともご利用くださいませ。
2025年1月31日ワンちゃんもご一緒にご乗船いただけます。 ワンちゃんは無料です。 ご家族皆様で鯛の浦遊覧船を楽しみませんか? 皆様のお越しをお待ちしておりま…
3月の運行状況は8時30分~15時20分までの営業となります。 皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。
2025年1月1日新年あけましておめでとうございます。 今年もよろしくお願いいたします。 初日の出船行って来ました。 きれいな初日の出がよく見えました!! 本…
2024年12月31日1月18日には『鯛供養弁天祭』と言って両親閣 妙蓮寺の僧侶らと共に 遊覧船に乗船して『海上安全』『大漁』『家内安全』を祈願する法要行事があり…
1月の運航は8時30分から14時50分までとなります。 最終船は14時50分です。 皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。 &…
English version 
房総名物 角熊の鯛せんべい(大)

房総名物 角熊の鯛せんべい(中)

房総名物 角熊の鯛せんべい(中・2袋セット)
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット 黒色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping03.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット 黒色
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット 茶色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping04.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット 茶色
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット ピンク色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping05.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット ピンク色
![[本皮お財布バック]ポシェット 黄色](https://tainoura.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/tainoura2024/images/shopping07.jpg)
本皮お財布バック ポシェット 黄色

鯛の浦オリジナル 毎日が鯛安吉日Tシャツ 紺色
S・M・L・LL(男女兼用) 3,300円(税込)
MORE The "Tai of Tainoura," believed to bring good luck, is a symbol of great fortune. In addition to the famous Tainoura specialty, "Tai Senbei" (fish-shaped crackers), there are many other recommended products proudly offered by Tainoura, including the "Tainoura Original T-shirt" worn by the captains and staff, as well as the "Genuine Leather W
× At Tanoura sightseeing boats, there are mystical rituals associated with the sea and sea bream that have been practiced since ancient times. Among them, "Tai Kuyo" is a ceremony to bury and honor the sea bream, a sacred fish found in the waters near Tainoura, when they are caught in shrimp nets or other methods. Additionally, on January 18th every year, a ceremony called the "Tai Kuyo Benten Festival" is held in front of the Benten shrine, where prayers are offered for the safety of fishing boats and sightseeing boats, as well as for a bountiful catch. All of these rituals reflect the sacredness attributed to the sea bream of Tainoura.
× On New Year's Day, around 6:10 AM, interested participants are invited to gather in front of the Taioffering Hall. Around 6:40 AM, after boarding the 11th and 21st Myouno Maru, we depart from the front of the Taioffering Hall and head out to sea to admire the first sunrise of the year. The vast ocean shines with the light of the sun, creating a scene reminiscent of a mystical fantasy world. Please welcome the new year aboard the ship. After witnessing the sunrise at sea, we encourage you to visit the Birth Temple for your first shrine visit of the year.
× On January 18th every year, as part of the Benzaiten Festival, the head priest of Myorenji Temple (※) carries the statue of Ebisu-sama. Following this, residents of Minamicho District play Uchiwa drums, chant the Southern Myoho Renge Kyo and sutras, and board the Myono Maru along with the head priest to recite sutras for the maritime safety and abundant catches of fishing and sightseeing boats in front of Daibenten-sama. The solemn ritual is accompanied by the resonant sound of Uchiwa drums from the Minamicho residents echoing across the sea.
※ Myorenji Temple: When Nichiren Shonin's mother, Myoren Sonin, passed away, Nichiren Shonin built a tomb for her at the grave site of his father, Myohoji Son'i. He then took the posthumous Buddhist names of both his parents and named the temple Myorenji. The third abbot of Myorenji Temple, Nichijou Shonin, erected a memorial hall for his parents here. Inside the Nijuusan-ya Hall, the gods of maritime safety, "Tokuoze Nijuusan-ya Otsukigami," and "Myono-ura Daibenzaiten," are enshrined.
× Since ancient times, it has been said that the sea bream ("tai") of Tainoura is an incarnation of Nichiren Shonin, and no local resident ever consumes the red sea bream caught in the Uchiura Bay and the coastal waters of the Kominato area. Occasionally, when sea bream are caught in shrimp nets or by other means, they are stored in the refrigerators of the Myono-Ura Cooperative Association. Once a certain number is reached, they are cremated at the crematorium and buried in the sea bream mound within the precincts of Myorenji Temple. Around 8:30 a.m. on the 6th of every month, about 50 to 60 members of the Kominato District Association gather at the main temple of Myorenji Temple to conduct a sea bream memorial service. While "Tai no Ososhiki" (the sea bream funeral) is not conducted anymore, sea bream memorial services continue to be held, with the sea bream mound at Myorenji Temple being honored every month on the 6th.
× Every year on August 10th, at Myorenji Temple, memorial tablets inscribed with the names of the deceased are offered prayers, and after the ceremony, they are floated in the sea off Tai-no-Ura. Lanterns stacked on four Tai-no-Ura sightseeing boats are lit with candles at the stern and then sequentially set adrift on the sea. Fireworks are launched intermittently, their reflections shimmering on the sea's surface, creating a breathtaking scene of floating lanterns. The long bands of light from the lanterns illuminate the night sea beautifully, making it a representative summer spectacle of Kominato.
× I will continue to provide timely updates about the Tainoura sightseeing boat. There's also plenty of useful information available. Please take a look!